Prayer and religious education are integral parts of life at St. Patrick. Students attend mass each week, on holy days of obligation, and on special occasions. Pastors and associate pastors of local parishes join students and faculty for mass throughout the school year. We also offer Reconciliation services during Advent and Lent, and Eucharistic Adoration throughout the year. The chapel on campus offers a quiet place for prayer and meditation.

The theology curriculum outlined by the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi covers all aspects of the Catholic faith.  Middle school theology courses include the study of Jesus, the prophets, the Gospels, the Sacraments, church history, and the Ten Commandments.  The high school curriculum follows the U.S. Conference of Bishops curriculum which includes faith development, the Old Testament, morality, church history, social justice, marriage and family, and the Sacraments.

The St. Patrick Campus Ministry Team sponsors spiritual retreats for each grade level during the school year and organizes and coordinates service club activities. Our theology department organizes and offers an annual March for Life pilgrimage to Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi.  The Campus Ministry Team also works with our theology department in helping students find projects to fulfill their required community service hours.

Christian scriptures are filled with accounts of our Lord Jesus’ loving concern for people and their needs.  Perhaps there is no more touching episode than that of the feeding of the five thousand.  “Five loaves and two fish are all that we have here,” said the Apostles (Matthew 14:13-20).  And yet, they have made available what they had on behalf of others.  The students who enroll at St. Patrick Catholic High School may not come to us with five loaves and two fish, but they bring with them their gifts, their talents, their energies, and their good-heartedness.

Since the opening of St. Patrick, our generous-spirited students have donated thousands of hours of service on behalf of others.  This has brought great enrichment to many lives and has called forth faith, character, and virtue in the lives of our students. 

"THE REASON I GOT ORDAINED AS A PRIEST WAS TO CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST and for my own salvation, and I knew that's where it would be." 

Bishop Kihneman